
Hello! My name is Jolly and I'm from San Francisco, California. I'm currently staying with my immediate and extended family in a single house across the Bay Bridge in Antioch, California and it has been a huge, happy change. Normally, I have never managed to be stuck in one place, because I really do not enjoy focusing on myself. I'd surround myself with my friends and fully take in the city. However, being that there is a global pandemic, I actually got to thinking for once. 

Pre-COVID times, I focused on my talents as a dancer and performer, mostly cherishing my connections to the other performers and our audience. Without the inability to fully experience everything I love about dance in my cramped living space, I decided to reach for different forms of art. Out of a desperate need for improving myself, I tried borrowing art supplies from my cousins but later felt a pressure that did not make me happy. Over the next few months, I rewatched videos of "Cake Boss" and old but good cooking shows and found myself experimenting in the kitchen. Looking through old photos and videos of me and my friends, I explored the internet for film and photo editing techniques. I've found refuge in different forms of distraction as the people around us all have to deal with the burning heat waves in our unfit homes not built for this weather, the burning ash from the nearby fires that have trapped my city, and a pandemic that has taken the lives of people I know and so many others. 

Burning San Francisco Skies.            
      Burning San Francisco Skies. Taken by Jolly Curameng

My dog Milo sunbathing. This is the peace I want to achieve.
Taken by Jolly Curameng.


Art to me is a reason to explore beyond what we know. Art has shown that I have a way of processing and expressing my emotions. Being able to find beauty in everyday things has allowed me to experiment. My household has celebrated 4 birthdays so far and every cake has turned out completely different each time. Some looked like actual cakes, while others could only taste like cake. Each time was a delicious masterpiece.

Being at home, I want to celebrate every day. I want to transform and challenge myself to think again.
This class can help me find that missing piece of myself through ideas I have never thought about. I hope to learn new concepts and utilize them. I hope to learn the art of layers and transparency.  I hope to constantly grow. I hope to reach out to my viewers an understanding of my creations. I have no idea who I am as an artist, but I think that's where the fun begins.

Photo looking towards San Francisco from the East Bay. Taken by one of the most unique souls I've come in contact with, Mathew Evearrit. (image by @beholdcreators on Instagram).


  1. Wow Ive never been to San Francisco but it looks beautiful.


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