
"The eye is in constant motion, focusing and refocusing on diverse stimuli in the environment" (Lupton 254). 

In a way, our eyes are able to create frames when we zero in on different areas of what we are looking at. A few days ago, I took this picture at the carehome where my grandmother who has dementia has been staying at this recent year since I went to college. It's been really tough not seeing her for months as I've spent years helping my mom take care of her ever since middle school when her diagnosis became more apparent. Because of this pandemic, it has been difficult to see and reach out to her because of a dissonance with technology. The yellow archway creates a frame leading towards the outskirts of the carehome, where the car that leads to a freedom away. The hands represent touch, something we are unable to attain right now because of health risks. The light is bright but it also peers into the inside of the walls and touches the softness of the plants. Yellow and green are my grandmother's favorite colors.


  1. This looks really cool , the symmetry and colors remind me of an old church.


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